Intervjuu Warren Buffettiga

posted in: Investeerimine | 1

CNBC viis 24. oktiibril läbi enam kui kahe tunnise intervjuu USA legendaarse investori ja maailma ühe rikkaima inimesega – Warren Buffettiga. Intervjuu on kättesaadav PDF kujul siit. Väga muhedad ja mõnusad mõtted! Näiteks saame teada, et Warren joob iga päev 5 purki kirsimaitselist Coca-Colat ja sööb ohtralt punast liha. Ja lisaks ka mõned mõtted investeerimise kohta:

“I mean, the idea that the European news or slowdown in this or that or anything like that, that would not cause you to own a good farm and had a run by a good tenant, you wouldn’t —you wouldn’t sell it because somebody said here’s a news item, you know, this is happening in Greece or something of the sort. If you owned an apartment house and you got to raise your rents a little, it’s well located and you have a good manager, you wouldn’t dream of selling it. If you had a good business personally, the local McDonald’s franchise, you know, you wouldn’t — you wouldn’t be thinking about buying or selling it every day. Now, when you own stocks, you own pieces of businesses, and they’re wonderful businesses. So you can pick the best businesses in the world, and to buy or sell on current news is just crazy. You’re in a wonderful business, you’ve got people running it for you. You know you’re going to do well over five or 10 years, and to think news events should cause you to try and dance in and out of something that’s a wonderful game is a terrible mistake. So get into a bunch of wonderful businesses and stay with them.”

P.S. Tallinna Veel tulid täna head tulemused ja aktsia ületas 9 euro taseme!

  1. R=7

    Huvitav kas see Buffeti promo tuleneb sellest, et Coca-Cola aktsiahinda kergitada või tõesti on rahvas mõttetult paanikas suhkrust, gluteenist ja kõigest muust.

    Ise jõin ka lapsena väga-väga palju Cocat, pole märganud tervisekahjustusi ja noorem näen enda meelest välja ka kui paljud minuvanused 😀 Nii et võta nüüd kinni…

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